Privacy Policy


Effective Data: 03 August 2020

Protecting your privacy is our priority. This Statement of Privacy applies to the website, (YOMLS) and governs data collection and usage. The YOMLS website posts information in the form of short-form web logs (Blogs) and long-form Articles and several other various methods of distribution of learning and data in the Machine Learning, Statistics, Math, and sometimes Philosophy areas of knowledge. We use only content provided by contributors and reserve the right to not publish content provided to us or to publish lightly edited versions of the content. We will not post anything provided to us that we have edited without checking with the Contributor first! Contributors may, at any time, ask us to remove their content from our site, and we will do so without hestitation (though we will be very sad!)

Contributor Privacy

We will not disclose any information about any of our Contributors to a third party. Period. If someone wishes to get a hold of one of our Contributors we will gladly forward any message and the Contributor will reply if they so chose.

Contributors may post anonymously, but they must provide the site administrators with their correct name and contact information. The admins will ensure that any posts or articles are posted without the contributors name if they so chose. (Conversely, if the Contributors chose to revel in the glory brought upon them by their great works, we will ensure that their names are shouted from the roof tops as authors of the content!

We will NEVER take credit for someone else’s work…though we may write about their work from time to time and may forget to mention them. (If we do…please don’t hesitate to publicly shame us in the comments or, preferably, send us a message so we can correct our mistakes!)


Our website uses the Commento service for all comments on content. Commenters should read the Commento Terms of Service and Polices Here.

Collection of Personal Information

We do not collect any data from Commenters or visitors to our site besides the comments themselves. Nevertheless, YOMLS will strive to keep any information you share with us private, unless, of course, you write a public comment visible to everyone. That is your prerogative! YOMLS does not share or sell any information or data provided to us to third parties. Any personal information given to us, if stored, will be kept confidential unless release of that information is specifically requested by the person who’s information it is.

Contact us.

If at any time you believe that any part of your privacy has been violated or if you have question, please feel free to contact us using the contact form on the home page. (See the Contacts link in the menu at the top of the page.)